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Love for the homeland is a natural thing.
By Shaykh Kifayatullah Sanabli hafidahullah.
In contemporary times, the special term 'patriotism' and the unnecessary demands associated with it should be separated from the love for one's homeland. Love for the homeland is not a flaw, neither in Islam nor in any other religion. It is a natural sentiment towards one's own country and region, and every individual has the right to it.
When the first revelation came upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he described it with Waraqah bin Nawfal, various accounts (riwayaat) suggest that Waraqah made several predictions. However, when Waraqah said:
"ليتني أكون حيا إذ يخرجك قومك"
"I wish I could be alive when your people will drive you out."
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) responded:
"أو مخرجي هم؟"
"Will they really drive me out as well?"
[Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 3]
In its explanation, Imam Suhaili mentions:
يؤخذ منه شدة مفارقة الوطن على النفس فإنه ﷺ سمع قول ورقة أنهم يؤذونه ويكذبونه فلم يظهر منه انزعاج لذلك فلما ذكر له الإخراج تحركت نفسه لذلك لحب الوطن وإلفه فقال: أو مخرجي هم“
"It is evident that parting from one's homeland greatly affects the heart, for when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) heard Waraqah's words about the people causing harm and disbelief to him, he did not show any signs of distress. However, when he was informed about being driven out, his heart trembled due to his love for the homeland. He spontaneously asked, 'Will they drive me out as well?"
[Fath al-Bari by Ibn Hajar, Vol. 12, p. 359]
Similarly, the great sacrifice of the companions, may Allah be pleased with them, is the migration (hijrah),
During the era of Caliph Umar radiallahuanhu, when the companions established the Islamic Calendar, they deliberated upon what name to give to this system, marking the beginning of the Islamic calendar. This was a significant matter because associating something with a year implies that it becomes memorable every year, every month, every day, and every moment.
Now, the matter that required careful consideration was: what was the most crucial aspect of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) and the companions' lives that needed to be perpetually commemorated? While many discussions took place, the consensus was on the significance of the event of Hijrah (migration) in shaping Islamic history. Numerous discussions transpired, yet what they unanimously agreed upon was that the Islamic calendar should be initiated from the event of Hijrah."
Imam Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him (d. 256 AH), narrated:
حدثنا عبد الله بن مسلمة، حدثنا عبد العزيز، عن أبيه، عن سهل بن سعد، قال: ما عدوا من مبعث النبي ﷺ ولا من وفاته، ما عدوا إلا من مقدمه المدينة“
"Narrated to us Abdullah bin Muslima, narrated to us Abdul Aziz, from his father, from Sahl bin Saad who said: 'They (the companions) did not count from the Prophet's ﷺ beginning of Prophethood or from his death; rather, they counted from the hijrah of Al-Madinah."
[ Saheeh Al Bukhari 3934]
This migration was a sacred and profoundly significant event, serving as a cornerstone in Islamic history. It was a manifestation of sacrificing ties to one's homeland. This allows us to understand the depth of attachment to one's homeland and how, despite facing trials of faith and adversity, the separation from one's homeland remains a substantial sacrifice.
Furthermore, it's crucial to acknowledge the treatment the inhabitants of that land showed to the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Despite their possessions being seized, enduring painful punishments, and even losing their dear ones, the companions radiallahuanhu anhum, driven by their love for their homeland, remained steadfast.
Let alone the story of free men, consider the story of Bilal, may Allah be pleased with him, a slave man who chose to live a life of servitude in Makkah. His decision to embrace Islam led to severe persecution by the people of Makkah. A narration in Sahih Bukhari recounts how Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, described the condition of Bilal, may Allah be pleased with him, when he migrated to Madinah. He arrived there while afflicted by severe fever, and when the fever eased a bit, he recited these verses:
"ألا ليت شعري هل أبيتن ليلة ... بواد وحولي إذخر وجليل
وهل أردن يوما مياه مجنة ... وهل يبدون لي شامة وطفيل"
"I wish I could know that someday I would spend a night in the valley of Mecca when the lush grass of Izkhar and beautiful plants are all around me,
And if I could ever have a day when I would reach the waters of the place called Majannah and catch a glimpse of the mountains of Shammah and Tafil."
Aisha radiallahuanhu anha narrated when she informed Prophet (peace be upon him) about Bilal's condition, he supplicated to Allah, saying:
"اللهم حبب إلينا المدينة كحبنا مكة، أو أشد وصححها وبارك لنا في صاعها ومدها، وانقل حماها فاجعلها بالجحفة"
"O Allah, make us love Madinah as much as or even more than we loved Makkah. Make its climate healthy for us, and bless our measurements of mudd and sa'a. Transfer its fever to Al-Juhfah."
[Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 3926]
It's evident that even the injustices and adversities faced by the inhabitants of Madinah did not affect their love for their homeland. The innate love for one's homeland remains steadfast in every individual's heart. Imam Ibn Battal (d. 449 AH) said:
"وقد جبل الله النفوس على حب الأوطان والحنين إليها، وفعل ذلك عليه السلام، وفيه أكرم الأسوة"
"Allah has ingrained in human beings the love for their homelands and a fondness for them. The Prophet (peace be upon him) exemplified this, and therein lies the most noble example."
[Explanation of Sahih al-Bukhari by Ibn Battal, 4/453]
( by Shaikh Kifayatullah Sanabili hafidahullah)
English Translation
Dr. Khalida Kazi
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